Huel Chocolate and Blueberry smoothie

After discovering Huel i was extremely impressed with not only it's flavour but it's amazing nutritional contents. It really is a complete fuel source with perfectly balanced macro-nutrients (protein, carbohydrates and fats) along with being extremely rich in vital vitamins and mineral along with fibre, which is super important but often not used in powdered form. meal replacements. It is  such a brilliant product already!  But of course we had to make a smoothie with it! and what else than a natural chocolate and blueberry smoothie with a hint of honey! 


  • 2 scoops of Huel-Vanilla 
  • 500ml milk of your choice (Almond, Cashew etc)
  • 1 tsp honey
  • 1 tsp raw cacao nips 
  • 1 tsp raw carob Powder 
  • HandFul of blueberries 
  • Handful of frozen banana


place all ingredients into your blender in the order they are listed. Blend for 30 seconds until smooth and serve. with a sprinkle of hemp seeds and a few blueberries.