Watermelon and ginger shot

As we are approaching summer the watermelons are out so I decided to try a new ginger shot with hydrating sweet watermelon, lime and chia seeds. Watermelons are one of the best fruits to juice as they are an awesome source of Vitamin C, copper, Lycopene, beta-carotene and potassium. Also, the amount of liquid you get per watermelon is great. This is the perfect shot to make in bulk and then refrigerate in a glass bottle/jar or freeze in an ice cube tray to make a refreshing cooler or to add additional flavour to a cocktail. Makes Approx 250ml - 300ml


  • 2 inches of fresh root ginger
  • Half a medium watermelon
  • 2 limes (peeled)
  • Tsp of Chia Seeds (optional) 


Wash and peel  your Ingredients where instructed. Juice your ginger, limes and watermelon in the order they are listed. If you are using chia seeds. add these to the jug or cup and stir. Serve straight away! 

Juiceman tip: If you have some left you can freeze the juice into ice cubes and then drop them into boiling water to create an amazing morning tea.